Thursday, April 14, 2011
We always long for others to forgive our mistake and yet very often we are so unforgiving about others. When we are in trouble, we often prayed for a helping hand and yet we often stand aside when others are in need. We often help those who we think deserve to help, and sad to say, with unintentional motives behind. For us, we are so selfish that we only look into our needs and forgotten that there are others like us who also need care, love and support from each other.
Life is unpredictable! Just you thought you can live on your own, surely in point of your life, you need friends, and person you can trust. Why are being so cure to ourselves? Why must we shut ourselves from the rest? While there are so many sad incidents surrounded us, are there nice things around us too? Surely there are!
Ugly and Beautiful!
Sometimes, I wonder if everything in life must be beautiful? Is there something wrong with things that are ugly? I am sure, in many instance, is the perceptions we have making the differences.
What’s wrong with ugly? If everything in the beginning begins with ugly is beautiful and beautiful is ugly, we might like ugly even more. Ugly can be beautiful too. Therefore in life, if there is imperfection somewhere, let it be. For many of us who are so blessed with good things around, we often find ourselves still searching for ‘beauty’ to fulfil our infinite wants. The greed within us is making us missing all the beautiful things in life!