Sunday, July 25, 2010
About feeling good .....
A friend of mine bought a new car recently. An expensive luxury car! She said that she is better respect now after she travelled around in her new car. She is much happier!
I am happy for her indeed. For me, I could only dream to own such a car. However, I am also a bit worried about the feel good sensation comes with it. I have no trouble for her to be happy and own such a car if you love it and able to afford it, but certainly not being happy cause people respect you more when you drive such a car!
We are often blinded by what we see around us, and we failed to see the truth. Most of the time, we choose to see what we want to see and want to believe that we are right. Sadly, what we see is not always true. Its okay that we have good feelings from time to time, but if we are sinking into the ocean of good feelings, we might soon be drown by them.
Short term happiness is the engine that pushes us to move forward. Long term happiness, however, comes from within, the search for our inner soul with understandings of the true meaning of life! As looking for respect that is given by other truly and not affected by factors surrounded you.