Saturday, August 7, 2010

Caring and Sharing

Quite a number of year ago, Ministry of Education launched the Community Involvement Programme aiming to cultivate the caring and sharing culture among our young. The ministry even included community partnership as one of the accessment areas for schools. Out of a sudden, all students in Singapore involve in community programmes, the questions is whether our society, or even schools, are now more concerned about our community?

Perhaps I should rephrase the sentence to: are the youngs or the schools really care and share with the needy? I really have some doubts! Most of the time, we do alot, but the purpose behind the doing is incorrect. Sometimes, the basic idea behind it is good, but the idea is twisted and bended. In the end, what we do is just a formality. Everything is done on what is wanted.

This is pretty sad though. Especially for school leaders who always on wants and forget about the needs, what is good for the society. Very often, we stress the importance of doing the right thing and not doing thing right! How often do we have the courage to face it? How often do we have the courage to stand up for it?