I am always happy when people appreciate my effort. It can
be someone who likes my art, my blog or even the tiny little thought I share.
Recently, several friends asked why I didn’t update my blog regularly? I afraid I have
disappointed them because I simply do not have enough time!
The fact is I am not lazy! There are so many
things around me that required my attention. My artwork in particular needed
much of my time to create and that was one of the main reason I resigned from
my former job. My family and friends also need my care and concern. Most of the
time, you need just small fractions of an hour to touch a heart or, make someone
change to a better person, so I asked myself why not spend some time with them
then. The question is always that I have only twenty-four hour a day, and my passion
for art spread a wide range from drawing to painting, from Western art to
Eastern art, from understanding to creating ideas and thoughts. For me “Time is just not enough”, really! :-)